Fire up your warp drive and order some Postum from the replicator! It's time for a super nerdy, super Mormon discussion of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. We talk about the return to episodic storytelling, the theme of sacrifice, and which episode was based on a classic science fiction short story by Ursula LeGuin. Find out which episode disappointed us and which returning villain freaked us out. As one of our guests said, Star Trek is back!
Our Ratings: Content: Terrestrial Artistic Merit: 5 popcorn balls Gospel Connections: 4 apricots
Best Books:
Liz: Folk of the Fringe by Orson Scott Card (some content warnings)
Throwback Star Trek Episodes We Brought Up:
ST:OS "Arena" - the one where Kirk fights the Gorn
ST:TNG "The Offspring" - the one where Data creates his daughter Lal
ST:TNG "Chain of Command" - the one where Picard sees four lights
ST:VOY "Real Life" - the one where the Doctor gets a family
Find Us:
Carl - FB: Carl Cranney; Twitter: @CarlCranney
Liz -
Karl - Twitter: @ThatKarlPerson
Video editing by Liz Busby; Audio mastering by Carl Cranney
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