Jeffrey Thayne and Mike Barnhill join our intrepid crew for this episode. Our continuing mission? To dissect the moral universe of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and ask again why Mormons love Star Trek so much. Klingon boy bands, war criminals, time travel, and more!
Our Ratings: Content: Terrestrial Artistic Merit: 5 popcorn balls Gospel Connections: 2.5 apricots
Best Books:
Carl - Maid (Netflix); Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling; Hans Rosling's TED Talk: How not to be ignorant about the world
Jeffrey - Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein; Exclude Not Thyself: Thriving as a Covenant-Keeping Gay Latter-Day Saint by Skyler Sorensen
Public Square Media Shout-out:
Hat tip for our title to this article: Did 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds'' second season overdo the gimmicks?
Find Us:
Carl - Twitter: @CarlCranney
Liz -
Jeffrey - LDS Philosopher; Public Square articles by Jeffrey
Video editing by Liz Busby; Audio mastering by Carl Cranney
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